Friday, August 23, 2013


An eclipse is an astronomical event that occurs when an astronomical object is temporarily obscured, either by passing into the shadow of another body or by having another body pass between it and the viewer. An eclipse is a type of syzygy.The term eclipse is most often used to describe either a solar eclipse, when the Moon's shadow crosses the Earth's surface, or alunar eclipse, when the Moon moves into the Earth's shadow. However, it can also refer to such events beyond the Earth-Moon system: for example, a planet moving into the shadow cast by one of its moons, a moon passing into the shadow cast by its host planet, or a moon passing into the shadow of another moon. A binary star system can also produce eclipses if the plane of the orbit of its constituent stars intersects the observer's position.

Friday, August 2, 2013

30 brightest star in the sky

V Mag.
Bayer designationProper nameDistance (ly)Spectral classSIMBAD
0−26.74(Sun)0.000 016G2 V
1−1.46α CMaSirius8.6A1 VSirius A
2−0.72α CarCanopus310F0 IaCanopus
3−0.27α Cen AB (α1 Cen)Rigil Kentaurus, Toliman4.4G2 V/K1 VAlpha Centauri A
4−0.04 varα BooArcturus37K1.5 IIIArcturus
50.03α LyrVega25A0 VVega
60.08α AurCapella42G8 III, G1 IIICapella A
70.12β OriRigel770B8 IabRigel
80.34α CMiProcyon11F5 IV-VProcyon
90.42 varα OriBetelgeuse640 [3]M2 IabBetelgeuse
100.50α EriAchernar140B3 VpeAchernar
110.60β CenHadar, Agena350B1 IIIHadar (Agena)
120.77α AqlAltair17A7 VAltair
130.77α CruAcrux320B1 VAcrux A
140.85 varα TauAldebaran65K5 IIIAldebaran
150.96α2 AurCapella B42G1 IIICapella B
161.04α VirSpica260B1 III-IV, B2 VSpica
171.09 varα ScoAntares600M1.5 Iab-bAntares
181.15β GemPollux34K0 IIIbPollux
191.16α PsAFomalhaut25A3 VFomalhaut
201.25α CygDeneb1,550A2 IaDeneb
211.30β CruMimosa, Becrux350B0.5 IVMimosa
221.35α LeoRegulus77B7 VRegulus
231.51ε CMaAdara430B2 IabAdara
241.58α GemCastor52A1 V, A2 VmCastor
251.62λ ScoShaula700B1.5-2 IV+Shaula
261.63γ CruGacrux88M4IIIGacrux
271.64γ OriBellatrix240B2 IIIBellatrix
281.68β TauEl Nath130B7 IIIEl Nath
291.68β CarMiaplacidus110A2 IVMiaplacidus
301.70ε OriAlnilam1,300B0 IabAlnilam